Sunday, February 25, 2007

VCT Day minus 22

What a great couple of days! On Friday night we got to meet some of our chums we'll be joining on the ride in Vietnam (see Gamza's new profile!), at the Non La restaurant in Surry Hills (yes of course it was Vietnamese). We got to hear from Ruth, one of the Northcott staff who do great things in regional NSW at Tamworth and surrounds, got to eat some great food and drink the wine we brought, and got to see Don's backside, the viewing of which was auctioned by his mate David for $350. We were reminded that there's nothing worn under a Scotman's kilt - it's all in good repair!

Not feeling at all the worse for wear, Tony and I did our "home to home" ride on Saturday - this is a 15 kilometre each way trip between our homes at Toongabbie and Carlingford, which we do in that order (all the hills in the first half of the ride, climbing from Parramatta up the hill to Carlo). With the hot weather about, we took a break at my place with a dip in the pool and a nice relaxing cuppa before we headed off back to Tony's place, doing the two way trip in about two elapsed hours. After being off the bike since the previous Thursday, I was pretty pleased with the effort.

Today, we did our now familiar Bay to Bay run, but with a difference. A south-easterly breeze meant we rode most of the way into the wind. Then, after a brunch of bacon and eggs, with a delicious coffee thrown in, we made our way back through persistent precipitation (my hat and gloves are still wet). I know Katie wanted us to get some experience of these different types of riding but I didn't think we'd get it all in one day. The better news is that we completed the 65km round trip in just over 4 elapsed hours. Our average speed into the wind was 15.1km/hr and on the way back, it was 16.5km/hr, for an overall average of 15.8km/hr, so we were pretty chuffed when we finished and checked the times.

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