Monday, October 30, 2006

Northcott Vietnam Cycle Trek - Day 8!

Well, I'm up to Day 8 (it's Monday in Sydney, whatever the blog clock says) and I still haven't got on the bike (which is lovely and I'm glad I bought it, but I still haven't got any closer to it).

An interesting day working with Baulkham Hills Shire Council, then a new business in China that looks like a goer (more on that another time) then off to the City for a CEO Circle dinner, where I was able to wax lyrical about the cycle ride, but still didn't bring me any closer to actually getting on the bike for a ride!

I might get my act together better tomorrow - I've got a great session in the morning with my friends from the arts and culture community in Beijing and then I'm "free" till a function in the evening - will this be the acid test of commitment?

Still haven't heard from anyone - is this the "blog in the wilderness"? I thought blogging was supposed to be a very public experience - perhaps only if you're important or interesting (he said with bottom lip pouting *grins*)

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